
Officers 2024-2025
Henry Luban, President
Nancy Bitton, 1st Vice President
Eric Ascher, 2nd Vice President
Julia Eagan, Secretary
Charles Eagan, Treasurer
Marcia Storch, Past President
Shir Shalom Staff
Michael Joseph, Rabbi
Ann Eisenstadt, Office Manager
Trustees 2023-2025
Ervene Katz
Linda Lewis
Jennifer Meiselman
Lee Schwartz
Sonya Stahl
Trustees 2024-2026
Seth Jacobs
Linda Kaplan
Craig Littauer
Corin Warinner
Jonah Zinn
Mission Statement
Temple Shir Shalom is an inclusive Reform Jewish congregation located in Gainesville, Florida, home of the University of Florida. Our members and friends engage meaningfully with one another and the broader community through social events, worship, study and social action.
Rabbi Joseph

Rabbi Michael Lewis Joseph became spiritual leader of Temple Shir Shalom in July 2004 after previous service to congregations in Norfolk, Virginia, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Rabbi Joseph received his rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1989.
Rabbi Joseph was born and raised in Port Washington, New York, oldest of three brothers. He graduated from Yale University in 1980, and worked for four years as a cook and chef in gourmet restaurants in Boston and San Francisco. He met his wife, Debbie, as a fellow first-year rabbinic student in Jerusalem in 1984, and they married in December 1986.